Browsing by Author Carbone, Vincenzo

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 65  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-12-18<<A>> modelling study of atmospheric cycle of mercury and its exchange processes at environmental interfacesDe Simone, Francesco; Bertolini, Roberto; Carbone, Vincenzo; Pirrone, Nicola; HedgecocK, Ian M.
2014-11-13<<A>> study wind behavior from the micro to the mesoscale of different temporal and spatial horizons: turbulent regime, mean and climateTiriolo, Luca; Bartolino, Roberto; Sempreviva, Anna Maria; Carbone, Vincenzo
2019-07-23Advanced plasmonic devices: enhancement of the properties of organic and perovskite solar cell through gold nanoparticlesServidio, Alessandro; Carbone, Vincenzo; ermine, Roberto ,; Golemme, Attilio
2017-07-21Advances in biocatalytic membrane reactors developmentRanieri, Giuseppe; Carbone, Vincenzo; Giorno, Lidietta
2013-11-11Air quality and pollutant modelling in the mediterranean regionDocumenti elettroniciGengarelli, Christian Natale; Bertolini, Roberto; Pirrone, Nicola; Carbone, Vincenzo; Hedgecock, Michael
2013-11-25Astroparticle physics as a telescope for solar interior, galactic and extragalactic structuresD'Alessi, Loris; Bartolino, Roberto; Carbone, Vincenzo
2017-07-17Combined use of X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy, X-ray Phase Contrast Imaging, Atomic Force Microscopy and X-ray Nanotomography for high resolution quantitative Fe mapping in inflamed cells.Gramaccioni, Chiara; Carbone, Vincenzo; Lagomarsino, Stefano; Bartolino, Roberto
2020-01-24A comparative study of reconstruction methods for neutron tomographyMicieli, Davide; Carbone, Vincenzo; Gorini, Giuseppe; Tassi, Enrico
2014-05-16Complexity in astrophysical and laboratory plasmasServidio, Sergio; Carbone, Vincenzo; Primavera, Leonardo; Chiarello, Gennaro
2012-12-25Complexity in climateCapparelli, Vincenzo; Bartolino, Roberto; Carbone, Vincenzo
2018-04-04Contro system for the improvement of CMOS-Technology for X-RAY contrast phase imagingBrito Del Pino, Jose Francesco; Carbone, Vincenzo; Agostino, Raffaele
2019-06-14Description of potentially ordered liquid phases through statistical thermodynamics tools. Molecular field and computer similation approache:comparing two techniques.D'Urso, Christian; Carbone, Vincenzo; Celebre, Giorgio
2019-06-14Description of potentially ordered liquid phases through statistical thermodynamics tools. Molecular field and computer similation approache:comparing two techniques.D'Urso, Christian; Carbone, Vincenzo; Celebre, Giorgio
2020-02-07Design of nanostructured composirte mambranes for water desalinationPerrotta, Maria Luisa; Carbone, Vincenzo; Gugliuzza, Annarosa; Giorno, Lidietta
2017-07-21Development of bio-hybrid multifunctional polymeric-based membranes for bio-recogniton and bio-separationMilitano, Francesca; Carbone, Vincenzo; Giorno, Lidietta; Poerio, Teresa
2017-07-21Development of integrated membrane systems for the treatment of olive mill wastewater and valorization of highadded value bioproductsBazzarelli, Fabio; Carbone, Vincenzo; Giorno, Lidietta; Piacentini, Emma
2017-07-21Development of integrated membrane systems for the treatment of olive mill wastewater and valorization of highadded value bioproductsBazzarelli, Fabio; Carbone, Vincenzo; Giorno, Lidietta; Piacentini, Emma
2018-11-22Development of new sensor technologies for ambient Mercury and comparison with conventional methods/systemsCastagna, Jessica; Carbone, Vincenzo; Sprovieri, Francesca
2017-05-03Dielectric and resonant Gain singularities in multilayered nanostructuresCaligiuri, Vincenzo; Carbone, Vincenzo; De Luca, Antonio
2018-11Dynamic Methods for Monitoring Structural Health: analytical and experimental aspectsMiceli, Angela; Zinno, Raffaele; Carbone, Vincenzo