Sfoglia Dipartimento di Biologia, Ecologia e Scienze della Terra - Tesi di dottorato per Soggetto "Biologia vegetale"
Items 1-20 di 23
Evolutive significance of hybridization in Mediterranean deceptive orchids
(2012-11-27)Università della Calabria -
Genetic diversity assessment in Pinus laricio Poiret populations using microsatellites analysis and inferences on population hystory
(2012-12-07)Forests are complex and dynamic ecosystems characterized by trees with remarkable longevity and reproductive forms, particularly, cross-pollination which tend to increase their degree of genetic diversity. If on the one ... -
Identification of a feral olive dehydrin gene and its development as a tool for drought tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana
(2013-11-28)Stress abiotici, quali deficit idrico e salinizzazione del suolo influenzano negativamente la crescita delle piante e la produttività delle colture (Liu et al., 2004; Wu et al., 2007). In campo vegetale, tra le strategie ... -
Leaf proteomics of seagrasses under light conditions and salinity
(2013-11-29)Le fanerogame marine, nel nostro studio limitate alle seagrasses, si sono adattate per occupare vaste estensioni dei fondi litorali e hanno dovuto sviluppare diversi adattamenti per poter vivere completamente sommerse. Le ... -
Structural and functional characterization of genes related to the quality of plant products in olive (Olea europaea L.)
(2013-10-28)Background. Olive (Olea europaea L.) is an emblematic species and one of the most widespread fruit tree in the Mediterranean basin. It is a member of the Oleaceae family, which includes 600 species within 25 genera ...