Sfoglia Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Modellistica, Elettronica e Sistemistica - Tesi di Dottorato per Titolo
Items 1-20 di 205
<<A>> Defect-Centric analysis of the channel hot carrier degradation
(2016-02-02)Durante l'ultimo decennio, il channel hot carrier (CHC) e stato considerato uno dei pi u importanti meccanismi di degrado della moderna tecnologia CMOS. La degradazione CHC si veri- ca quando un voltaggio superiore a ... -
<<A>> methodology for the development of autonomic and cognitive internet of things ecosystems
(2018-06-08)Advancements on microelectromechanical systems, embedded technologies, and wireless communications have recently enabled the evolution of conven- tional everyday things in enhanced entities, commonly de ned Smart ... -
Advanced linear beam models to be exploited in the implicit corotational framework and FEM implementation
(2012-10-29)Università degli Studi della Calabria -
Advances in mining complex data: modeling and clustering
(2009)In the last years, there has been a great production of data that come from di®erent application contexts. However, although technological progress pro- vides several facilities to digitally encode any type of event, it ... -
Analisi dei processi idraulici in terreni insaturi, potenzialmente instabili, attraverso la sperimentazione con modello fisico in scala
(2019-04-15)Ogni anno eventi pluviometrici, anche molto diversi per durata ed intensità, innescano frane superficiali e profonde sui versanti o colate fangoso-detritiche lungo gli impluvi naturali e le aste torrentizie, che producono ... -
Analisi di eventi pluviometrici ad elevata intensità al sud Italia
(2019-04-15)Lo studio rivolge l’attenzione alla problematica del rischio idrogeologico, ed in particolare alla componente relativa alle precipitazioni estreme. Nelle regioni del Mediterraneo, le caratteristiche climatiche ed orografiche ... -
An Analog/Mixed-Signal SoC-Package Co-Design Methodology for Early Stage Signal Integrity Assessment Exploiting the Potential of Machine Learning Models
(Università della Calabria, 2020-04-30)The development of new generation System-on-Chip (SoC) is mainly driven by the demand of an ever increasing number of functionalities at reduced cost and time-to-market. This is enabled by re-using specialized functional ... -
Analysis and development of physical and MAC Layer protocols in mobile ad Hoc networks involving directional antenna communications
(2019-06-20)Most recent Studies and Researches in IT (Information Technology) are bringing to an increasing development of Pervasive Communication Environments Systems such as MANET and Sensor Networks that assumed great importance, ... -
Anomalies in cyber security: detection, prevention and simulation approaches
(2018-07-03)With themassive adoption of the Internet both our private andworking life has drastically changed. The Internet has introduced new ways to communicate and complete every day tasks. Organisations of any kind have taken ... -
Approximate Query Answering over Incomplete and Inconsistent Databases
(Università della Calabria, 2021-09-14) -
Approximate query answering over Inconsistent Databases
(2014-03-03) -
Assimilation of satellite soil moisture in hydrological modeling: assessment of observations preprocessing and error characterization methods
(2019-04-15)Il contenuto d’acqua nel suolo svolge un ruolo fondamentale all’interno di numerosi processi che avvengono sulla superficie terrestre, ed in particolare di quelli che fanno parte del ciclo idrologico. In tal senso il ... -
Autonomic computing-based wireless sensor networks
(2013-11-27)Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have grown in popularity in the last years by proving to be a bene cial technology for a wide range of application do- mains, including but not limited to health-care, environment and ... -
Background subtraction for moving object detection
(2017-02-13)Background Subtraction è una tecnica che si occupa di separare dei cornice di ingresso in significativi oggetti in movimento (foreground) con i rispettivi confini dei (background) oggetti statici che rimangono quiescente ...