Models and enabling IoT technologies for cooperative energy brokerage in smart-grid
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Scarcello, Luigi
Critelli, Salvatore
Menniti, Daniele
Pinnarelli, Anna
Sorrentino, Nicola
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Ph.D. in Science and Engineering of Environment, Construction and Energy Ciclo XXXI; The strong decentralization of energy production, especially from nonprogrammable
renewable sources (nPRS), obtained with the rising and
interconnection of small plants, has placed the end user at the centre of the
whole energy system management. Nowadays, the end user has taken the role
of a “prosumer”, being at the same time producer and consumer of thermal
and electrical energy. While this new bivalent role has clear advantages (onsite
production, lower transport losses, reduced dependence on fossil fuels,
etc.), the distributed generation from nPRS causes additional injections of
energy into the grid, which can bring to stability and safety problems for the
operations of the grid itself. As consequence, the end-user needs to be involved
in the management of the grid adopting appropriate strategies in order to
maintain the balance between generation and consumption of energy, and avoid
spikes of energy demand or excessive injections of energy produced but not
consumed. The best strategy is to join in energy communities able to coordinate
local energy flows and favouring a better use of energy. Moreover, end-users
have to adopt new IoT technologies and the grid have to become a smart-grid.
This Ph.D. thesis develops some cooperative energy brokerage models based
on decentralized scheme proposed in the LAboratory of Electrical Systems for
Energies and Renewable sources (LASEER), headed by Prof. D. Menniti, of the
Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management (DIMEG) of the University
of Calabria. In the proposed models, the end-user takes a fundamental role: he
can autonomously make decisions based on thermal and electrical energy
requirements and collaborate in energy balancing operations of the energy
community and of the national electrical grid. In according to this decentralized
approach, a new price based-time of use Demand Response program has been
designed. The Demand Response program is determined by solving, in a day
ahead strategy, a mixed integer linear optimization problem, called “prosumer
problem”. In this context, end-user dwellings need to be purposely equipped
with home automation systems and micro-grid devices, appropriately designed
to act the planned energy management strategy The effectiveness and the feasibility of the proposed work have been assessed
through a testbed performed in an academic experimental demonstrator sited in
the University of Calabria, where the proposed model have been implemented.
Moreover, different prototype versions of home automation and micro-grids
devices have been realized during the development and the work carried out in
the MIUR project “Sistemi Domotici per il servizio di brokeraggio energetico
Specific contributions of this thesis are in the following areas:
implementing an unified management model of both thermal and electrical
energy needs in a price based Demand Response program;
providing an option for end-users to participate in the National
Electricity Market through demand side bidding and to manage their
electricity usage;
designing home automation systems and micro-grid devices able to
monitor, control and collect data on exchanges of electrical energy flows;
customizing cooperative energy brokerage model for supporting the
management of Energy Districts;
experimenting the energy management strategy in the academic
experimental demonstrator;
designing smart meter for end-user able to measure energy flows
exchange as well as to give a view of real-time energy consumption;
collecting representative data about end-user habits to perform
statistical analysis and define load forecasting services;
evaluating cost and quantifying the global energy demand to sensitize to
more conscious consumption of energy.
The experience in developing demand response models has been shared inside
Marie Skłodowska-Curie project “Research and Innovation Staff Exchange”,
with the project partner Exergy Ltd company.; Università della CalabriaSoggetto
Energy conservation; Smart grid