Tesi di Dottorato: Recent submissions
Items 301-320 di 1671
Advanced techniques for numerical contact analysis in spiral bevel gears
(2019-07-08)The research presented in this dissertation treats the subject of efficient gear contact simulation and is applied to the contact analysis of spiral bevel gears. In today’s competitive environment getting better products ... -
Genetic variability of amino acid transporters: study of the influence on physical decline and human survival
(2018-05-31)Il presente progetto di ricerca si inserisce nell’ambito della tematica generale di ricerca del laboratorio di Genetica dell’Università della Calabria, relativa allo studio della comprensione dei meccanismi intrinseci ... -
Rischio e sicurezza nelle filiali bancarie. Tecnologie IoT a supporto dei processi organizzativi e dei modelli decisionali
(2018-05-09)Negli ultimi anni le filiali bancarie hanno subito un forte processo di cambiamento, prevalentemente lungo due direzioni. La prima ha riguardato l’evoluzione tecnologica che ha reso disponibili piattaforme di comunicazione ... -
<<I>> social network come strumento di business: impatto su consumatori e brand management
(2018-07-03)I social network sono diventati un vero e proprio tool per la realizzazione delle strategie di marketing aziendale, per la fidelizzazione e il raggiungimento dei consumatori, nonché uno dei principali canali di diffusione ... -
<<A>> methodology for the development of autonomic and cognitive internet of things ecosystems
(2018-06-08)Advancements on microelectromechanical systems, embedded technologies, and wireless communications have recently enabled the evolution of conven- tional everyday things in enhanced entities, commonly de ned Smart ... -
Malevolent Activities Detection and Cyber Range Scenarios Orchestration
(2018-06-08)increasing availability of Internet accessible services driven by the di usion of connected devices. The consequent exposition to cyber-threats demands for suitable methodologies, techniques and tools allowing to adequately ... -
Global Optimization, Ordinary Differential Equations and Infinity Computing
(2018-06-08)La tesi consiste in 4 capitoli. I primi due capitoli riguardano l’ottimizzazione globale utilizzando il framework dei computer tradizionali, mentre gli altri due capitoli riguardano l’utilizzo della nuova tipologia dei ... -
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Trusted Execution Environments in Information Security and Volunteer Computing
(2018-08-06)Commodity operating systems, both on desktop and mobile devices, offer rich functionality and consequently a significant attack surface. A compromise of the operating system, however, means that an attacker also has access ... -
SiGe BicMOS Building Blocks for 5G Applications
(2019-01-18)SiGe BiCMOS semiconductor technology has been increasing its application domain especially for the development of complex microwave monolithically integrated circuits (MMIC) required for modern telecommunication systems. ... -
Anomalies in cyber security: detection, prevention and simulation approaches
(2018-07-03)With themassive adoption of the Internet both our private andworking life has drastically changed. The Internet has introduced new ways to communicate and complete every day tasks. Organisations of any kind have taken ... -
Scalable data analysis: methods, tools and applications
(2017-07-26) -
Analysis of Static and Dynamic Meshing Behaviour of Lightweight Gears
(2019-04-15)In questo lavoro di tesi si è analizzato il comportamento dinamico di ruote dentate alleggerite. Tale tipologia di ingranaggi prevede l’utilizzo di corpi ruota dalla topologia ottimizzata al fine di ridurre la massa ...