• Advanced Techniques and Systems for Data and Process Management 

    Granata, Luigi; Greco, Gianluigi; Leone, Nicola (2014-03-31)
    Il lavoro di tesi viene suddiviso in due parti che trattano rispettivamente di tecniche avanzate e sistemi per la gestione dei dati e per il mining dei processi. Sono state affrontate problematiche relative all’efficienza ...
  • Constraint satisfaction: algorithms, complexity results, and applications 

    Lupia, Francesco; Crupi, Felice; Scarcello, Francesco; Greco, Gianluigi (2016-02-19)
    A fundamental problem in the eld of Arti cial Intelligence and related disciplines, in particular Database theory, is the constraint satisfaction problem (or CSP) which comes as a unifying framework to express a wide ...
  • Dyadic TGDs - A new paradigm for ontological query answering 

    Marte, Cinzia; Greco, Gianluigi; Manna, Marco; Guerriero, Francesca; Leone, Nicola (Università della Calabria, 2022-03-11)
    Ontology-BasedQueryAnswering(OBQA)consistsinqueryingdata– bases bytakingontologicalknowledgeintoaccount.Wefocusona logical frameworkbasedonexistentialrulesor tuple generatingdepen- dencies (TGDs), alsoknownasDatalog±, ...
  • Pure strategies in security games 

    Marek, Adrian; Leone, Nicola; Greco, Gianluigi (2017-07-20)
    In the past decades game theory allowed to model mathematically conflicts between groups of players, each with their own agenda, and found ways to apply them in real life situations. One of such applications, which has ...
  • Tight integration of Artificial Intelligence in Game Development Tools 

    Angilica, Denise; Greco, Gianluigi; Ianni, Giovambattista (Università della Calabria, 2020-03-11)
    In this thesis we aim to narrow some of the gaps that prevent the adoption of declarative tools within highly dynamically changing environments, with a particular focus to the context of game development. Integrating ...